Home Servies Web App, Mobile App 2020, 2021

Home Services is a part of EUDA ecosystem that brings better life for everybody. Home Services itself is a big project included three products inside with different user segments:

  • Home Services - this mobile app serves users as a devoted butler who can preserve apartment facilities, connect the home owner with apartment management board, manage visitors and connect family members
  • Back Office - Accommodation management board who is the partner of EUDA company uses this web app to contact with accommodation owners and management facility bookings
  • Security - Compound's security guards use this app to patrol and report any incident occurred inside the compound

What is EUDA Ecosystem?

EUDA ecosystem takes a mission of making a better life for everybody. This ecosystem includes all segments around a people's life such as medical, accommodation management, delivery, human resource management and lifecare.

Projects belonged to EUDA ecosystem:

Home Services

Back Office


Other Works